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light rail 輕軌〔指有軌電車等輕型車輛的鐵軌〕。

light show

Property development ( east rail , east rail extensions and light rail ) 物業發展(東鐵、東鐵支線及輕鐵)

Transport department - light rail lanes 運輸署-輕鐵行車

For enquiries , please call the light rail hotline at 2468 7788 有關詳情,可致電輕鐵熱線24687788查詢。

Upgrading and building of four light rail interchanges with west rail 興建及擴建四個西鐵及輕鐵的交匯站

Code on geotechnical investigations for metro and light rail transit 地下鐵道輕軌交通巖土工程勘察規范

Line marking edge of light rail only area 輕鐵專范圍的界

Stop board for light rail rapid transit 快速有軌電車站牌

Observation and control of settlement of light rail continuous box beam 輕軌連續箱梁沉降觀測及控制技術

Passengers can call the light rail hotline on 2468 7788 for enquiries 乘客如有查詢,可致電輕鐵熱線

Cr light rail will strengthen its service on chung yeung festival ( 25 october ) 廣輕鐵會在重陽節(

Mr . jonathan yu director , light rail 余開堅先生輕鐵總監

The scale and mode of the light rail has not been decided yet 機場輕軌線的規模與形式目前尚未確定。

Cr light rail will strengthen its service on chung yeung festival ( 14 october ) 廣輕鐵會在重陽節(

You must not enter the light rail area as this is extremely dangerous 輕鐵非常危險,行人切勿進入。

Where is the light rail station , please 請問輕軌站在哪兒?

S3 : feasibility of light rail systems in taiwan 議題s2 :捷運路線延伸后機電系統配合擴張與容合之探討

Analysis on low floor light rail bogies 低地板輕軌轉向架分析

Light rail stops are located on raised platforms adjoining tracks 輕鐵車站設于路軌旁邊的月臺上。

For enquiries , passengers can call light rail hotline at 2468 7788 乘客如有查詢,可致電輕鐵熱線